
APPS user accounts may have system alerts associated with them. These alerts are used to inform users of conditions that may affect their account or the system in general. Alerts have severity levels associated with them. Typically alerts at or above the warning level indicate that the user should take some action to avoid or restore an interruption of service. For example, a warning is typically issued to users as they approach their quota limit and an alarm is issued once they have exceeded their limit and their account has been locked.

Some alerts are sticky and may not be deleted by the user. Others may be deleted once the user has acknowledged them (see apps_delete).


usage: apps_alerts [-h] [-s SETTINGS]
                   [--log-level {OFF,DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                   [--trust-env] [--stack-trace] [-j]
                   [L [L ...]]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: success, info, warning, alarm, []

The levels of alerts to fetch, if none are provided all alerts will be fetched.

Named Arguments

-s, --settings

APPS configuration parameters, including access credentials. See the website, to download this file. Default: ~/.apps_settings

Default: “~/.apps_settings”



Set the logging level, OFF is silent and DEBUG is the highest verbosity. Default: OFF

Default: OFF


Trust environment settings for proxy configuration, default authentication and similar. Default: False

Default: False


Allow exceptions to propagate out. Default: False

Default: False

-j, --json

Print all output in json format to facilitate machine parsing of command returns. If not enabled some commands will attempt to print status information in a more human friendly format. Default: False

Default: False


$ apps_alerts
      "id": "3f8dd5b6-bdf4-11e8-8494-60f81dca17e2",
      "level": "A",
      "header": "Quota Exceeded",
      "detail": "You have used 2.116GB of your quota of 2.000GB, you must delete some files before submitting additional jobs.",
      "sticky": true